Course Syllabus
Spanish 2 (WSU 1010) Course Disclosure
Fremont High School
Teacher: Señor Mark Hugie
Room: Annex 4
Contact Info: e-mail
Office Hours: 7:00am-7:30, A days 1:16-2:30, B days 11:56-1:10
Overview: Spanish 2 is a course designed to further improve students’ Spanish language capabilities and to give them the basics for continued study of the language. Students will learn how to communicate using the Spanish language in speech and in print forms. Some of the topics that students will learn are: buildings and businesses, natural environment, fruits and vegetables, weather, transportation, family, and professions. Many more topics will also be covered.
College level course: Because many of the students in this class will be receiving college credits for this course, it will be taught at the college level of difficulty. Students will be expected to do their homework readings before class and be prepared for the lesson of the day. Students will be expected to study often to perform well on oral and written tests.
Important dates: Please be aware that the following dates are extremely important for those of you wishing to receive college credit through Weber State University:
- September 9th is the admission to Weber deadline
- September 16th is the registration for Spanish 1010 deadline
- September 16th is the drop class deadline
- March 3, 2017 is the withdraw deadline
Supplies needed: Notebook or binder dedicated to Spanish that can, at times be left with Señor Hugie. Paper, pen or pencil, and a dry erase marker.
Spanish Input: This course is meant to provide a vast amount of comprehensible Spanish to the student. There will be a lot of opportunities for students to read and hear Spanish in the classroom. After hearing and reading a lot of Spanish it is the goal of this class that the student will then be able to speak and write Spanish more accurately. As the final goal of the class is to produce Spanish, in class students will be expected to use Spanish to near exclusivity. The teacher will present as much information as possible in Spanish. On occasion the teacher may use English in order to explain key grammar or cultural points, but mostly the class will be conducted in Spanish.
Grade Breakdown: Your fourth term grade will be a compiled grade of all 4 terms and will be the exact same grade that you receive on your college transcript.
Grading Scale (Grades will not be rounded up)
A 93% B+ 87% C+ 77% D+ 67%
A- 90% B 83% C 73% D 63%
B- 80% C- 70% D- 60% Below 60% F
Classroom rules
- Be respectful
- Be on time with materials at the ready when the bell rings
- Do not use cell phones unless instructed to do so
Citizenship: It is my hope that all students will pursue earning an H citizenship grade through obeying classroom rules and having great attitudes in class. Citizenship will reflect on behavior (rules).
Grading: Students’ grades are based upon homework, tests, quizzes, in class assignments, group projects, and Colones (indicators of classroom participation). Through the different grading aspects students will show competency in listening to, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish.
Colones: The Colón is the monetary system of Costa Rica. We will be using fake colones as proof of class participation. When a student speaks Spanish in front of other students in response to a teacher question, they will be rewarded colones. Students should earn 10 colones each day to receive 100% credit for this assignment. Five colones will come each day to students who are in class and doing verbal assignments as specified. Students will need to find ways to earn 5 additional each day.
Group Projects: Students will be working in groups creating various projects to present to the class. Students will be expected to work well with their classmates and to put forth their best effort for the success of the projects.
Homework: Students must spend as much time as they can listening to and reading Spanish outside of the classroom. To better accomplish this homework assignments are designed for students to listen to or read Spanish on their own time.
Makeup and Late Work: Students are expected to turn in assignments on the day that they are due in class. If a student is absent from class then they have 5 class days from the day the grade is posted to turn in the assignment for full credit. Late assignments will receive a 10% deduction for each class day after the due date.
Accommodations: Students with disabilities or specific needs will be accommodated in the most reasonable manner possible. Such accommodations are available upon request by a parent/guardian (on occasion the students themselves).
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |